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Hiding Your Light

This is the first time I have written something that I feel urged to say. A dear friend of mine encouraged me to put my own truths down as it may help others as well as myself.

How many of us walk through life wearing a mask pretending to be the person people want us to be. How many times do we smile and tell others we are okay, when inside we are hurting, feeling incredibly low and alone. Why do we do this? Why do we always need others approval to feel wanted, accepted, loved or to feel valued? Do we not feel we are enough if we were to just be ourselves?

Each one of us is unique, perfect in our own way. Why can’t we live and be who we are and be accepted with all our imperfections and failings, but also our strengths, triumphs, laughter and joys.

We were placed on this earth to follow our own unique path, to grow, to love, to experience, to learn, to be all that we can be, to live a life which fulfils us and drives us to reach our full potential.

I have reached a point in my life where I feel I can be who I am destined to be without the need to mask the real me.

I am an intuitive healer and natural medium, my mediumship skills can and do flow through during healing if there is a need for a message to be given. I feel blessed to share that with my clients. I always work with integrity and from my heart. I teach Reiki to others and impart wisdom, teachings and spiritual truths to those on a spiritual path and those who just need a hand of kindness to help them through life. My healing work is my dream; it fulfils me in every way and has made me the person I am today. Life isn’t easy for anyone and we all experience many challenges in life. I have met some incredible people from all walks of life on my journey and I can honestly say I am now living my truth and being the person I was born to be.

My message to you all is to just be YOU. It takes courage and great inner strength to reveal your authentic self to the world. We all fear rejection and disapproval by others, but each of us should be our own priority, to love, care and be kind to ourselves first and then we can do that for others.

Start from today, take courage and stand up and live the life you were meant to live.

Much love Deborah x

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Deborah C. Townsend 

27 Mariners Close

Fleetwood, FY7 7BF

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